IL Doula & Birth Photographer

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A New Year's Home Birth

This birth was only the second birth ON a holiday that I’ve attended in 3 YEARS. The first was a birth that I was the back up for that I photographed on my 30th birthday, and then this birth, on New Year’s where I got ring in 2021 with my birth clients and the midwives in attendance. Pretty fucking cool if I don’t say so myself.

Prodromal Labor is a Bitch.

My client had had pretty intense prodromal labor for a few days leading up to their birth. Texts back and forth on what was happening, what they could do to try and get some relief, and some jokes and curse words rolling out in frustration of what was happening, which is totally normal.

My clients partner even called it “proDRAMA labor” and I literally let out a snort when I read that because it’s so fucking true 😂

After a few days of this, December 31st rolled around and I got a text that evening that it seemed like things were picking up. They had called their midwife to come and check on them and see what their body was doing (if their cervix was changing).

We were also told at this time that the back up midwife that had been arranged was currently at another birth so they were trying to find yet another back up since the primary midwife was still sick.

my arrival.

I arrived at about 8:30 pm to my client’s surges about 3 minutes apart and intense. They were rocking and moaning through them on the bed on all fours while their partner and midwife were getting the tub ready (which took awhile because the hose didn’t quite fit properly on the shower).

Once in the tub, things didn’t calm down. Their surges remained intense and 3 minutes apart but the water did provide some relief. After being in the tub for about an hour, it was recommended that they get out and walk around a bit, use the toilet to sit on, do some belly sifting and muscle stretching techniques, and myofascial release.

Once all the things were done, their surges spaced out a bit and were definitely much more tolerable. They were able to stand up straight and be functional. It’s amazing watching techniques in real time show results almost immediately.

the morning.

At about 7:30 am everyone sent my client and their partner on a walk around the neighborhood. After an eventful New Year’s full of fireworks in the middle of a pandemic, a walk in the fresh air by themselves would be beneficial.

When they returned from their walk, things definitely picked up. The surges were way more intense and were 2 minutes apart consistently. Lots of different positions were labored in: against the wall, kneeling on the bed, squatting next to the bed, on all fours on the floor, any positions they could get in that provided even the slightest relief.

They were checked and there was a slight lip still so the midwives suggested movement and specific positions to try and help the anterior lip fade away.


At about 9::15 am they were checked and there was still a lip, but the midwife was able to hold the lip back a bit during pushing.

After a little over an hour of pushing, and the cutest little bundle of 7 lbs 4 oz love was born earth side at 10:43 am.

However once he was born, he needed to some help breathing. He was struggling a bit so the midwife helped him breathe with a PPV (positive pressure ventilation) device that helped his lungs expand and expel fluid.

As time went on, he still needed help and the midwife began to discuss a transfer for him as his color was not as pink as she would’ve liked as well as the retractions he was having (which is movement beneath his lungs that tire out babies quite quickly and lead to respiratory distress).


Everyone was on edge. There’s no easy way to go about it. We were all gripping the railing on this roller coaster and internally screaming waiting to see what this little one needed.

Over the course of his first hour there was slow improvement. Everyone prepared to call emergency services to transfer him for more support.

The second hour was more improvement. No retractions, and improved color.

The third hour after birth was much better improvement. The midwife felt comfortable allowing baby to stay home and for my client’s to keep a very close watchful eye on him, but if anything changed at all that they were to take him the ER for support.

such is birth.

Although this birth was stressful for everyone involved, it was still beautifully empowering. My client rocked through whatever was thrown their way. Their partner was there every step of their journey, supporting in any way they could. The knowledge the midwife bestowed upon my client (and even myself) was so amazing it filled me with such gratitude to learn from someone with so much experience.

Birth has a way that humbles us. It shows the magic that is all around us and how we can trust the events that are meant to unfold.

It brings people together over holidays, even if it was in the middle of a pandemic. And yes even in the middle of a pandemic, shows us that life still happens, families are still created, and babies are still being born.

And that’s birth, wonderfully magical ✨