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All Things: Baby Shower

I’m hoping this is a list for you to be able to create a badass baby shower without having to do a ton of research everywhere.

Some people choose to throw an extravagant and elaborate party, others choose to have a more intimate affair, while others forgo a baby shower all together. Whatever you choose will be right for your family 💕

Things to think about:

  1. Gift registry

    This was honestly my favorite part (partially because I couldn’t do much else with an HG pregnancy 🙃). Another thing to think about when creating your baby registry is who is going to “host” it (examples like Target, Amazon, Babylist, etc). Target and Amazon only allow products from their sits while Babylist allows gift cards, donations, and any product from pretty much any site to be added to it (these types of lists definitely allow for more freedom).

    And I promise you need less than you think you do. Newborns seriously only need diapers (whether you choose disposable or cloth), wipes (again disposable or cloth), a form of food whether it’s from your body or formula, probably 3 outfits per day for a week (this also depends on the weather and how often you’ll do laundry), and your body/voice for comfort. Eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom, those are the main things to focus on for that first month of trying to survive the newborn phase.

    *Also make sure to add a spot for donations towards the birth services you want: midwife, doula, birth photographer, postpartum doula, etc 😉

  2. Who will host your baby shower?

    Many times the pregnant/gestating person doesn’t throw their own baby shower. It’s kind of like a bridal shower where the “maid/matron of honor” throws it for them. Now a days though, it’s definitely become more common to throw your own. So deciding who will be throwing it (whether it’s you, a close friend, or a family member) is the next step.

  3. Theme

    Do you want to have a theme for you baby shower? Do you want it gendered? If you don’t know, choosing a gender neutral theme. Will you go by colors, or have an actual themed party? I personally chose Harry Potter as my theme for Killian’s baby shower, it was cute AF 😍 But in choosing a theme (if you do) it’ll allow you to choose a time and place to host it.

  4. Time it’s being held

    I feel like most baby shower’s and bridal showers are hosted in the late morning (around 11 am) which is perfect for brunch and an early lunch. However if you’re more of a night owl, and if it fits with your theme, you can always host it later in the day/in the evening.

    This is all about you and your baby!

  5. Venue

    Once you have the time picked out, you can start figuring out where you’re going to host it. Are you wanting to host it at an actual venue? Do you want to host it at a house? Park? That way when you contact the venue, home owner, city, etc you can tell them what time you would like to use the facility, as well as begin talking to them about what days they have available at that particular time.

    Bada-bing bada-boom.

  6. Invites

    Once you have the day, time, and place picked you can send invites out! 🙌🏻 Here is the question: do you want to send invites out more old school and choose snail mail? Or are you going to send the invite as an e-vite (electronically)?

    Sending e-vites has a quicker response for people, but snail mail has such a charm to it when holding an actual physical invite.

    Funny story, but not so funny, my best friend put together and hosted my baby shower (Harry Potter theme remember ⚡️) and she made THE cutest invites EVER. Sent them through the post office, and half of my invites didn’t show up to people I invited until AFTER my baby shower happened. So that’s also something to think about. Make sure if you choose the post office route, that you send them a bit in advance in case it takes longer or somehow gets lost (because we know the post office is good at that 🙄).

  7. Food

    FOOOOOOOD. Possibly the most important aspect of ANY get together. Food brings people together 💕 If you have cravings, I’m sure it’ll be a no brainer on what type of food you choose, but in the event that you’re not quite sure, you can always see if your theme has any suggestions.

    Finger foods are typically the easiest, as well as a buffet style if you’re having your baby shower during lunch or dinner.

  8. Games

    Do you want any games? I initially didn’t want to do any games at mine (remember HG pregnancy, couldn’t really do much), but my best friend created some anyways. Once we started playing them I had so much fun and was bummed we didn't have more to play.

    The typical ones are guessing the belly size with string, porn face or labor face (this one is always funny 😂), who’s the quickest changing a fake baby’s diaper with one hand, and writing notes on disposable newborn diapers (I am also writing a blog about baby shower games in a few weeks so keep an eye out for that).

  9. How will you take the gifts home?

    Surprisingly many people don’t think of this one. But if you asked for large sized gifts on your registry and people purchased them for you, do you have a vehicle big enough that can haul them for you (if your baby shower isn’t being hosted in your own home)? And if you don’t own a vehicle large enough, who can you ask to haul them home for you?

You do what you want.

This is your body, your baby, and your experience. It can be whatever you want it to be. These are just some things to think about when prepping to actually hold a baby shower! I personally think baby showers are super fun and plan to have one for every kid I have 😂 Even if it’s just an excuse to come together and celebrate the new life growing in your body.