Birth Affirmations

Yessssssss birth affirmations


Plaster them all over your walls and read them everyday. FEEL them. MAKE them real. BELIEVE them in your heart ❤️

The mind is seriously a powerful thing. I tell all of my doula clients to begin visualizing what they want their birth to look like every night while they’re laying in bed before they fall asleep. When do you want to go in labor? Is it at night, in the morning? Does your water break first or later in labor? If it does break, is it a leak or a movie type gush? Are your surges pretty far apart when they begin or closer together?

  1. My body is soft.

  2. My baby is the perfect size for my body.

  3. My surges are not stronger than me because they ARE me.

  4. Open. Down. Out.

  5. My body is loose and limp.

  6. I release my tension.

  7. I trust the process. Everything happens as it should.

  8. I am excited for this journey.

  9. I am fucking amazing.

  10. Ride the waves.


Your affirmations should be what you feel you need. What you feel will support you the best and keep you focused.

And as ass backwards as it sounds trying to keep you focused on laboring, that’s exactly what we want. We want you focused on YOU. ON what you’re doing and keeping the tension away from your muscles.

We want to avoid you “thinking” as much as possible. Meaning answering questions any nurses may be asking, having a partner ask you about groceries, and even reminding someone to walk you dogs. It’s all taking you OUT of labor land when we want you to stay IN labor land.

We want them as relaxed as possible to allow all that energy and tightness to do what it’s supposed to do. To allow your beautiful little squish to make their entrance earth side 🌎