Family Centered Cesarean
Family centered cesareans have been becoming more and more requested at hospitals all over the country. And for good reason.
Because they're all around better for the family.
When a family is involved in the way their baby is brought into this world, it gives them some control in situation that may have not been planned. And even if it was planned, they are more of an active participant than just along for the ride (so to speak).
Whether baby comes out the front door or the side, you as a consumer and a family's whose birth experience matters, should know your options when it comes to planning a family centered cesarean (having it as your plan B, C, or D like I like my clients to have).
A family centered cesarean can look like this:
(aka you can copy and paste this as your family centered cesarean birth preferences and just add specifics to your wants/needs ):
I would like my partner AND doula to be with me at all times. (I understand we may be separated while anesthesia is administered but would prefer a member of my birth team there for that as well.)
I wish to have an epidural/spinal for anesthesia.
Please no IV narcotics, anti-anxiety, or sedative meds-I want to be as alert as possible to meet my baby. I will ask for something if I feel anxious.
Please do not give anything via IV at all without informing me first
Please place ECG leads on my sides and back to allow skin-to-skin contact with my baby without interference.
Please limit O.R. conversations to matters related to our baby’s birth-Please limit small talk.
I would like to have my arms free/not strapped down to the table, to be able to hold my baby.
I wish to have the screen lowered/clear screen if available during my baby’s birth.
Delay cord clamping for at least 1 minute and/or milk cord before clamping and cutting.
Please bring my Partner to warmer to receive baby and trim cord.
Do not administer Vitamin K or weigh/measure baby until we are all in recovery together, please NO eye ointment to allow for optimal bonding.
Unless prevented by a medical emergency, I would like my baby to be placed skin to skin on my chest while you complete the procedure.
Please perform double layer suturing to enhance my chance of VBAC in the future if I choose to pursue it.
If my baby has to go to the NICU, my partner will accompany the baby at all times. Please allow them to be skin to skin as soon as possible.
I would like to breastfeed as soon as I am able to/my baby begins to show cues. Please no pacifiers, bottles, or formula.
remember you have options.
People so easily forget that they have options when giving birth. Whether it’s a planned or unplanned cesarean. Do your research. Know your options. Make your plan (and back up plans). Not many people plan to have cesareans (and if you do, awesome, you made the best decision for your family!) and I know many people feel as if their voice was taken from them during the cesarean. Having back up plans, allows for you to get your voice back. You’ve already done the research and know your options. You can speak up as to what you want for this new birth experience and for your family.
***Thank you ICAN of San Diego for the wonderful cesarean birth preferences outline. Please check them out if you are planning a VBAC/TOLAC!! They are an absolutely great resource and necessity!