How to Afford a Home Birth, Birth Photographer, Postpartum Doula, and/or Birth Support.
Y’all I get it, this shit can be expensive when it’s all added up. BUT there are some things you can do to off set the cost of hiring your birth team!! Because let’s be honest, we need all the support we can get before, during, and after bringing a baby each side 💕
Here’s a list as well for each offering on average for a stellar out of hospital birth team:
Midwives: $4,000-$6,000 (includes prenatal, birth, and postpartum care up to 6 weeks)
Doula Support: Averages about $500 - $2,000 (sometimes more, sometimes less but depends on their experience and trainings)
Professional Birth Photographer: $2,000+ (again sometimes more, sometimes less, depends on their experience and skill level as well as trainings)
Postpartum Doula: $20- $50/hour (depends on experience and whether you want day support or overnight support, how many days per week, and how many hours per day)
Saving Every Month.
This can be done if you have enough time to plan (like if you’ve decided what birth experience you’d like while you were TTC). If you’re able to put away $50 per month, that adds up and can definitely help off set the cost of a doula. If you’re able to put more away each month, depending on how long it takes to get a positive pregnancy test you could save up enough to cover the cost of a doula or birth photographer.
Baby Shower (asking for cash)
This is an easy one because most people want to help. You can also ask them for donations to your birth/postpartum experience in lieu of gifts (this is especially helpful if it isn’t your first baby as many people keep baby items from their first).
Online Registry
This is the same concept as the baby shower, but this is nice because you can send it to people who weren’t able to make it to your baby shower or for people who don’t live near you/live out of state.
They can be a part of your celebration and support you and your family without having to be physically there!
Selling items
Have extra items in your house you aren’t using or don’t need? Nesting hard and clearing shit out? SELL IT. Hold a garage sale or sell that stuff online somewhere. If it’s just taking up space in your house and your energy, you don’t need it.
Plus getting rid of all that extra crap you don’t need before baby arrives will feel SOOOO nice. The energy in your house will be softer and cleaner, it won’t be so stifled and you will feel AMAZING (I mean other than the normal pregnancy symptoms that come with gestating a baby).
Side Jobs
Are you or your partner physically/emotionally able to pick up any extra shifts or side jobs? Even if it’s just on the weekend. Being able to bring a few hundred bucks every month can seriously make all the difference.
It’s just an idea, but only if you’re healthy enough for it and up for it.
So many people forget about this option. I’ve bartered for chiropractic services before and am totally down to barter depending on what is being offered. I know many midwives who have bartered services for their home as well (one had a custom wood front door made, “handyman” services done, and even had their car fixed).
Seriously, if you have something that you can barter with, ASK!
There are so many things you can do.
These ideas are just the tip of the iceberg. Get creative!