Postpartum Affirmations

this was a new idea….at least to me it was

And I think it’s fucking brilliant (if I don’t say so myself 🙃).

Why hasn't anyone brought up reminders, VISUAL reminders, for new parents to hang around the house. Newborns keep everyone up at night. Why not look at a supportive reminder as you’re changing the umpteenth diaper at 2 am or trying to snag a shower while the baby is finally asleep.

postpartum affirmations

  1. Breathe.

  2. This is a season. Seasons pass.

  3. You are doing amazing. It may not feel like it, but you are.

  4. Your baby loves you.

  5. Reminder: eat and hydrate.

  6. It can be tough, but you are doing it.

  7. One day at a time.

  8. It’s ok to ask for help.

  9. Shit happens. (my recommendation for above the changing table for a midnight laugh 😂)

  10. Snuggles help.

  11. Talk about everything. It helps. (the good, the bad, the ugly, and the poop)

  12. I am enough.

The postpartum season is such a fragile and beautiful season. While we’re in it, it can be so difficult and daunting, I even felt like I was drowning, but out on the other side, away from the newborn fog, the gentleness of the our bodies and the newness of our newborn makes it such an intimate time in our lives.

Slow down. Breathe.

Western society fails new parents so much in almost every aspect of the child rearing stages. Like who the fuck do you think you are to tell me that I need to “bounce back” after a human being just exited my body. It’s like umm NO.

Soak in the newness of everything. Don’t feel rushed to do anything.

You are doing amazing. Remember that 💕