Thanks but I'll just have my friend take pictures with their phone....

I've heard more times than I care to count that I’m expensive.

You want to know a secret??

I’m really not, I’m actually grossly underpaid but that’s a blog post for later. I don't take it personally when I get told that I'm out of someone's price range though. I get it.

What I wish was understood though, is that I offer payment plans (say what!?) and now I offer personalized gift registries!! You mean people can actually DONATE to my total fee!? YESSSSS.

Because an iPhone image is no match for a professional camera. Does your friend know where to stand as baby is crowning? Will they know what to look for without being in the medical professionals way? Are they ok with being with you for upwards of 12+ hours even though they have to leave for work in the morning?

This is my job. This is my passion. This is what I love to do, and honestly if I could photograph a birth every day of the week I would, without any hesitation!

Birth is amazing!

And being able to watch someone go through the transformation of becoming a parent and bringing forth life into this world is indescribable. Then to top it off, I get to capture those fleeting moments and provide everlasting tangible memories! I mean, ugh, come on! Talk about never working a day in your life!!

But I get it. Birth photography is a luxury. I didn't have a birth photographer for the birth of my son, and I regret it hardcore. All. The. Time.


(This is me and the birth of my son, with an iPhone picture. It's not bad by any means. And I appreciate my friend taking pictures for me and deeply cherish these BUT to have professional pictures would've made the entire experience so much better.)


There's so much that goes into the preparation for the birth of your child, wouldn't you want someone to professionally document the reward for all the hard work you've done??

Birth Photography is something you will never regret.

I promise!

And you can bet your ass, for baby #2 I will be hiring a birth photographer. And a doula. And midwives. And having my placenta encapsulated. And breastmilk jewelry.

I want All. The. Things!