Natural Family Planning

Aka fuck birth control, and follow your body’s cues.

When it comes to family planning, many couples seek alternatives to hormonal contraceptives or invasive procedures. Natural Family Planning (NFP) offers a holistic approach that embraces fertility awareness and empowers couples to make informed choices about their reproductive health.

Ok, so WTF is it?

Understanding Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning is a method of contraception that involves tracking and understanding a person’s menstrual cycle to identify fertile and infertile periods. By monitoring changes in basal body temperature, cervical mucus, and other indicators, couples can make informed decisions regarding intercourse timing and family planning goals. NFP emphasizes knowledge, communication, and shared responsibility between partners.

Evidence-Based NFP Methods

1. Symptothermal Method

   - Couples track basal body temperature, cervical mucus, and other indicators to identify fertile and infertile phases.

   - By cross-referencing multiple signs, they can effectively determine the safest times for intercourse.

2. Standard Days Method

   - Couples with regular menstrual cycles avoid intercourse on days 8-19 of the cycle, as these are considered potentially fertile days.

   - This method is suitable for people with consistently shorter cycles (26-32 days).

3. Two-Day Method

   - People observe changes in their cervical mucus to determine their fertility status.

   - If any mucus is noticed today or yesterday, couples consider themselves potentially fertile.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of NFP methods can vary based on proper implementation, consistency, and individual factors. According to research, correctly practiced NFP methods can have a typical-use failure rate of 2-23% per year. However, with careful observation, education, and adherence to the method's guidelines, the effectiveness can be improved significantly.

Benefits and Considerations

1. Hormone-Free and Non-Invasive

NFP methods do not involve the use of hormones or invasive procedures, making them appealing to couples seeking natural contraception options.

2. Enhanced Awareness of Reproductive Health

By closely monitoring menstrual cycles, people gain a deeper understanding of their reproductive health, potentially identifying irregularities or health concerns.

3. Fertility Planning and Pregnancy Achievement

NFP can be used not only for contraception but also to optimize chances of conception, aiding couples in their journey towards pregnancy.

4. Commitment and Communication

NFP requires commitment, communication, and shared responsibility between partners. It fosters a deeper understanding of fertility and strengthens the bond between couples.

you do what’s best for you

Natural Family Planning provides people with a holistic approach to family planning that respects their reproductive health and empowers them to make informed choices. By embracing evidence-based methods, such as the symptothermal, standard days, or two-day method, people can effectively track fertility indicators and navigate the fertile and infertile phases of the menstrual cycle. While NFP requires commitment and consistency, it offers the benefits of hormone-free contraception and enhanced reproductive awareness. As with any family planning method, it's essential to educate oneself, seek guidance from healthcare professionals, and make decisions based on personal preferences.

Jelina SonnenbergComment