The Three Stages of Labor
Did you know that many experts say childbirth on average lasts about 16 hours for first time parents?
In my experience it’s probably closer to 22-24 hours for first timers. While our body intrinsically knows what to do, it’s almost like riding a bike after you haven’t ridden one in a really long time. Your muscle memory is there, it’s just about getting everything to work together, and then once it gets going, you’re going.
Any subsequent babies you may have, you can typically cut your active labor stage in half.
Stage 1 - Latent Labor
Early Labor: “The Prelude”
The longest section, probably makes up about 60% of a labor.
This is a period I feel is nothing but excitement and eagerness. I always tell my clients to ignore it. If you think you’re in labor, do everything in your power to ignore it 😂 The adrenaline gets going, and you’re so excited something is happening. It’s totally normal to feel this way, however because we don’t know how long things MAY take, it’s always best to go about your day like usual, or if it’s nighttime, to go the fuck to sleep and try and get as much rest as possible.
“The surges like waves on a stormy sea, grow in intensity and duration, gradually guiding you towards active labor.”
Active Labor: “The Powerhouse”
The “middle” section, when someone’s cervix dilates from 6 cm - 9 cm. I’d say this is maybe 30% of a labor.
This is the time that contractions come on stronger, demanding your focus and attention. You retreat into yourself, where your body and mind align to focus on bringing your baby earth side. This is the time to lean on your support system if needed. We want your contractions longer, stronger, and closer together.
Transition: “The Crescendo”
The shortest BUT most intense section of labor. When the cervix dilates from 9 cm to 10 cm. Which would put this as the last 10% of labor before beginning to push.
Your body surges with an extraordinary power. Many times people can feel out of control (I know I did), they may feel unstable, they may hyperventilate, but it’s also that last little bit your body needs to do before you start pushing.
Before you get to meet your baby.
Stage 2 - Pushing
Pushing is it’s own “beast.” I call it a beast, because no one knows exactly how long they’re going to push for. Some people push twice and baby is born, some people push for 6 hours and baby doesn't descend.
Many people experience the Fetal Ejection Reflex (FER), where their body literally takes over and pushes for them once baby gets to a certain part in their birth canal. This part elicits a hormonal response that facilitates the FER.
It’s the moment that elation and exhaustion seem to collide. Between purple pushing (typically in the hospital setting) and breathing your baby out, there is no right or wrong way to push. There are benefits to each, and even some risks (mainly holding your breath with purple pushing).
stage 3 - Delivery of Placenta:
This literally feels like pushing out a slimy thick pancake 😂 It has no bones so it’ll just slide right on out, but man does it feel weird. Some placentas are born within 5 min of baby being born, and some take a few hours.
When the placenta detaches from the uterine wall, there is typically a slight gush of blood that exits the birth canal. This is a tell tale sign that the placenta is ready to be born. The birthing person will also feel pressure in your butt and contractions will pick up.
Out of hospital providers will try and use gravity to help aid in birthing the placenta (by having you sit on a birth stool, or even squat in the birth tub). They may have you cough, or push slightly to birth it. But once it’s ready, it’ll just slide right on out. In a hospital setting though they typically use traction on the cord and pull it out of your body (which has it’s own risks).
The three stages of labor form a remarkable journey, one that literally demands vulnerability, courage, and resilience. It breaks you open. From the gentle ripples of early labor where you’re questioning if anything is even happening, to the roaring waves of active labor, culminating in the breathtaking finale of birthing not only your baby but also the organ that provided nourishment for them. Each stage brings you closer to the sheer joy of meeting your baby. The new soul you brought earth side.