What I'm getting for my winter baby.

OMG, my first REAL winter WITH SNOW and I’m going to have a newborn also 😂 This is what has been recommended to me and what I plan on purchasing or have purchased already before this little one makes their appearance.

I will preface this with this is just what I’ve learned from my research and the main points I’ve taken away from it. If I’ve gotten something wrong, please comment and let me know. I am always down for learning and being educated!

Remember I was born and raised in San Diego, CA….let’s be honest, I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing and am a fish out of water 😂


Fleece has been highly recommended to keep little one warm, from sleepers, to going out to run errands, anything fleece is cozy. I’ve been looking into fleece pajamas that are footed because little baby socks drive me fucking bonkers. I can never keep track of them and they always get lost. So footed everything is a must for me.

Things I plan on buying (if I feel I need them) that are fleece:

  1. Pajamas (still on the fence as I don't know how this little one will sleep. If they’re like me or Killian, they’ll sleep hot)

  2. Sleep sack (still on the fence about this because I think we plan on cosleeping again)

  3. Hat (I have two Zutano Cozie Fleece Hats on my baby registry as these came highly recommended)

  4. Blankets (I have too many blankets on my registry to add links, I’m a blanket whore 🙃🤷‍♀️ but there are both lightweight and heavy duty ones).

  5. Onesies (this is a goal, I don’t even know if they make them 😂 if they don’t they should!)

Now not all of these will be worn at once 😂 But it’ll be nice to have options when it comes to baby’s temperature and what we’re doing. Like a footed long sleeve onesie and a fleece sleep sack at night (if we’re not cosleeping), or fleece pajamas for when baby is a little bigger and not needing the sleep sack very much anymore. The hat and blanket for out and about during spring while baby wears long sleeves and footed pants.

It’s always a good rule of thumb that whatever you’re wearing, add a layer for baby.

car seat cover

With my first, living in Southern California, it’s like summer for 3/4 of the year and winter is like just a sprinkle of cool weather, so we don’t really have to worry about cold weather unless we’re vacationing somewhere. I think my first little one didn’t wear pants (or really even shirts) for the first 6 weeks of his life 😂

With that being said, we’ve realized we’re going to have to not only get an actual infant car seat with a base that we can move from the house to the car, and the car into stores, but also get a car seat cover.

Car seat covers not only protect baby from the wind, but they work as little green houses keeping the warmth inside until you can get baby to wherever to end goal is while keeping them warm. It’s not safe to have baby all bundled up in a massive winter jacket, or puffy onesie, so this is where the fleece attire comes in since it’s thinner, safer for the car seat, and then just throwing the car seat cover on the car seat as you’re making your way to your destination (even if it’s just your car).

infant car seat

With Killian we purchased a convertible car seat. But with this little one, we realized we need an actual infant car seat that we can pull out of the vehicle as we’re out an about. With this little one being born in the middle of winter (which we have never experienced or lived in before 😂) the need to get them in and out of their car seat as WARM and QUICK as possible is a priority.

We wanted to be a little bit more financially conscientious, while still purchasing from a trusted brand. Especially since we have two convertible carseats still (we had one for each vehicle for Killian).

We purchased the Graco Snugride 35 Lite LX Infant Car Seat. It’s not the cheapest car seat, but it’s also not the most expensive, plus we have another Graco convertible car seat that we really like.


We actually purchased a snow suit 😂 It’s still just crazy to me how much you have to prepare for winter (like I didn’t know you should winterize the garden hose faucets on the side of your house, we did, but definitely didn’t know ahead of the 20 degree weather that you should 🤦🏼‍♀️).

I believe we only have one right now, because again, I’m not sure exactly what we need or what we’re going to use. I don’t plan on leaving the house very often, I’ll send Sam out for the most part, but I know going for walks or even car rides will be nice.

here’s to hoping I have enough

Because if I don’t, I’ll literally just never leave the house then 😂 We’ll just stay in the house, eat, snuggle, breastfeed, or go in the backyard for a few minutes for some fresh air.

And these items are winter specific. I have tons of cotton onesies, pants (both footed and regular), shirts a few long sleeve but mainly short sleeve), and lots of footed sleepers.

So let’s hope that what we have for winter is enough 🤞🏻