First Summer with Your Baby: San Diego Edition

Local San Diego summer

Summers are just getting hotter here in San Diego county. And if you know me, you know I hate the summer 😂 It’s just too fucking hot, I’m not made for the heat.

Staying inside?

This one is pretty simple, wear whatever you’re comfortable with for the weather and then add one layer of clothing for baby. Keep extra muslin/cotton blankets on hand just in case the air conditioning is blasting.

If there’s no AC, keep baby in a diaper and a onesie (and maybe some shorts or light pants) and periodically check baby’s temperature. If baby is too warm, simply take a layer off and check their temperature again.

Baby wearing is typically just fine as long as you’re inside in an air conditioned space. Sometimes baby’s overheat when they’re in clothes and in a carrier so I personally always err on the side of caution and only wear baby’s when it’s cool enough to. But again this is just me.

Staying Outside?

Sunscreen. Sunscreen. Sunscreen. If you’re comfortable with that of course when they’re really little. If that’s not something you’re comfortable with, make sure they are kept out of direct sunlight at all times.

I do not recommend baby wearing when it’s hot outside. Both of you will most likely be miserable and covered in sweat.

Loose clothes are going to be YOUR best friend! For baby though, you need to be watchful as they can get wrapped up in loose clothes. Linen or cotton are the most breathable so those would be my top choice for going outside and/or not being in air conditioning.

All that being said

After Killian was born (he was born in July) he didn’t wear pants or really anything on his legs until he was like 6 weeks old. It was too hot (even though we had AC installed in the house a few months before he was born). He seemed to run hot like I do and sweat all the time even if he was in just a diaper and we were skin to skin. Even during his doctor’s appointments it was a onsie and diapers with a muslin blankets over him in case his legs and feet got cold (I did bring multiple changes of clothes though if we needed to add layers).

But every baby is different. Some baby’s run hotter than others. You’ll start to figure out which side of the thermometer your baby typically favors the more you get to know each other.