The Two Main Hormones of Breast/Body Feeding

Wait you mean there’s hormones that affect and control breast/chest feeding? It’s not just what you eat and drink??


There are two major hormones that affect breast/chest feeding: Prolactin and Oxytocin.


This hormone is responsible for the production of milk and how the milk exits the tissue/cells of the alveoli. Prolactin is triggered by the reduction in progesterone and oestrogen after baby is born, which in turn tells the body to produce/make milk for the baby.

The amount of prolactin peaks about 30 minutes after a baby has started to feed, and this is to tell the body to produce more milk for the next feed (which is why power pumping is supposed to help, because it tells your body to produce more milk).

This hormone also makes you feel sleepy and relaxed when you feed your baby, allowing for you to slow down and focus on you and baby.


When we think of oxytocin, our first thought is it’s the love hormone. We know it’s also responsible for the uterine contractions during birth. It is how baby’s are born!

But what is it responsible for when it comes to breast/chest feeding? Well it’s similar in its responsibilities unsurprisingly. It makes the alveoli in the tissue contract (think like uterine contractions) where the milk that is in those alveoli sacs, are being pushed down the ducts towards baby while they’re feeding. It’s also referred to as the “milk ejection reflex” or a “let down.” It doesn’t make milk, but it allows the milk that is already made to travel to baby.

And what’s crazy is baby doesn’t even have to be around for a let down to happen, the milk producing parent, can simply smell their baby, or think about them fondly, and oxytocin is produced which in turn produces a let down. As the Brest/chest feeding relationship builds, it’s easier to produce a let down and your body becomes used to the sensations that are produced before and during the feed (like suckling).

When we’re stressed, oxytocin production can be severely inhibited which is why being relaxed and supported in your breast/chest feeing journey is so important. We need oxytocin, it is a serious component to a successful breast/chest feeding relationship and for milk production. Because if milk isn’t being ejected/drank, then prolactin will drop, which in turn reduces or stops the making of milk, when then drops supply or completely stops it.

supply and demand

Breast/body feeding is ALL about supply and demand. You want to get baby to your chest as SOON as possible and as OFTEN as possible in those first few crucial days to make sure there are enough prolactin receptors that are initiated.

I can’t stress the importance of support of those around you in your journey. This includes family, friends, medical providers, etc. Anyone who will be in your circle.

And how important it is to reach out to those who are qualified whenever you need help. We have such an amazing array of body feeding professionals in our community who are fully capable of helping you on this journey.

Because in the beginning it can be really fucking hard. It’s a super steep learning curve. But once you get over that peak though, feeding your baby from your body (whether directly from the tap or with a bottle) is a beautifully fulfilling experience.