International Association of Professional Birth Photographers 2022 Image Competition
Yep, I entered it. After much persuasion via instagram followers 😂
I ended up entering 3 images into the 2022 IAPBP image competition. Do I think one of my images is going to win something? No. But it’s the same I tell people who enter competitions: it’s not about winning, it’s about growth.
I didn’t get a chance to write a blog about my favorite images from 2022 because we were all sick for over 6 weeks from December to January. So it’s safe to say that not much of anything was happening in my household. I felt like this was the perfect time to write a blog about a few of my favorite images from 2022 and see if you can guess which 3 I submitted to the competition 😉
March 2021
This is sometimes the reality of birth. This realness that yes, sometimes birth is bloody. Sometimes there’s literal shit (ok meconium not shit) on the bed next to you. I find this photo so freaking beautiful 😍
July 2021
Can you just FEEL the LOVE!? I mean UGH, I can’t even describe how amazing this birth was to attend. And how amazing my clients were.
September 2021
UMM HELLO! I ended up being in the right spot at the right time and OB’s hands weren’t covering baby’s face. It’s not too often that an image like this is abled to be captured so directly straight on. I was super chuffed editing this one.
June 2021
The soft moments in labor, even in active/transition, are some of the most beautiful moments to me. The calmness before the storm so to speak.
August 2021
I was actually called to this birth at the last minute. I was not the original photographer they hired. But I’m so glad they allowed me into their space, and I was able to capture the birth of their second born. This little one was so chill after he was born, he literally stayed like this for awhile, just chillin on his hands 😂
September 2021
I rarely get clients IN LABOR looking DIRECTLY into my camera. The softness on their face, the contentment and yet frustration, and the tiredness, Oh man the tiredness. It’s like the emotions of birth all wrapped up in one image.
September 2021
I have known this couple for almost 14 years. When they asked me to attend the birth of their second little one I was BEYOND excited. Jokes on me though as I missed the birth by like 10 seconds as I was walking up the stairs to their primary bathroom. I shit you not. Their little one made a fast and furious entrance into the world and I expected nothing less.
June 2021
The contrast between baby’s pinkness and parents tattoos always get me. Tattoos always make images more visually appealing to me. I will ALWAYS photograph tattoos in a birth space.
August 2021
How cool is this!? You can clearly see each of the two arteries and vein in this three vessel cord. I was totally geeking out taking this photo.