My Favorite Baby/Kid Books

Oh man I’ve come across some SUPER cute ones, and also some that literally make me say “WTF.” All these books have links to Amazon where you can purchase them if you’d like. No I do not receive any kind of compensation for you buying them through the link. It’s seriously just a link to my favorite baby/kids books 😉

Nancy Tillman Board Books

My favorite author hands down so far for children’s books is Nancy Tillman. Her words and the watercolor images are BEAUTIFUL. There’s a few of her books that have made me tear up while I was reading just because they hit home during a difficult time for me personally. One of her books are also included in my client gift boxes because I love them so much!

Some of my top favorites from her are (all of Killian’s favorites):

  1. “You’re Here For a Reason”

  2. “The Heaven of Animals”

  3. “You’re All Kinds of Wonderful”

from my preschool teacher days

Y’all I read A LOT of books when I was a preschool teacher. I mean A LOT. These were some of my favorites when reading to my classroom either during circle time, nap time, or when I had handfuls of kids asking me to read them a particular book during free time/play time:

  1. “The Wonderful Things You Will Be”

  2. “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”

  3. “The Mitten”

  4. “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom”

  5. “Sheep in a Jeep” (one of Killian’s favorites)

Managing Emotions

OOOOH man are emotions difficult when you’re a toddler. SO MANY EMOTIONS all the time. And we as adults, need to teach them how to regulate their emotions. When I was a preschool teacher that was something we heavily focused on. When you have a solid socio-emotional foundation, it allows you build whatever you need on top of it, like reading comprehension, mathematics, language (both spoken and received). When there’s cracks in that foundation, many times what is being taught, just falls through. I love this series of books (there’s quite a bit so be careful of the rabbit hole 😂) because they allow open dialogue in an easy to understand way for little’s.

  1. “A Little Spot of Happiness”

  2. “A Little Spot of Anger”

  3. “A Little Spot of Sadness”

  4. “A Little Spot of Anxiety”

  5. “A Little Spot of Confidence”

  6. “A Little Spot of Courage”

important topics

I’m a big believer that teaching our kids young makes them better human beings. And what better way to introduce them to current events or important matters than with books specifically created for them to be able to understand! 🙌🏻 These books are a great way to open the line of communication with relevant dialogue, especially for those families who are not a part of these communities or do not openly discuss the importance of the issues these communities face daily.


  1. “I’m Not a Girl: A Transgender Story”

  2. “Red: A Crayon’s Story” (one of Killian’s favorites)

  3. “Rainbow: A First Book of Pride”

  4. “Prince and Knight”. (one of Killian’s favorites)

  5. “From the Stars in the Sky, to the Fish in the Sea”

BIPOC Community

  1. “Antiracist Baby”

  2. “A is for Activist”

  3. “Sulwe”

  4. “I Am Enough” (one of Killian’s favorites)

  5. “All Because You Matter”

  6. “Fry Bread”

  7. “Grandmother’s Dreamcatcher”

  8. “How the Stars Fell Into the Sky: A Navajo Legend”

Climate Change

  1. “Climate Change for Babies” (one of Killian’s favorites)

  2. “The Lonely Polar Bear”

  3. “My Friend Earth”

  4. “Heal the Earth”

Reading is Important

I hope my list has started you on a path of lots of late night reading with your little one! Whether it’s a midnight diaper change and trying to get them back to sleep, or it’s the 37th time you’ve read the book in one day (we’ve all been there) 😉

Books are so important not only for language development, but they’re also a great way to introduce important life and world changing things to your child.

The sound of your voice is soothing, let’s use it 💕